Thursday, July 25, 2019

Full Presentation Regarding the Two Future Apartments.

As I have reported after they finish the first apartment that just had the groundbreaking last month (in around 2 years time) they are planning to build two more apartments down at the east end of Riverdale Park Station near the train tracks.

The developers were originally planning three buildings but instead opted for two taller buildings.

To prepare for today's presentation, they released a 29 slide presentation regarding these two new apartment buildings.

Everything from renderings of what the buildings will look like to different perspectives of the buildings to shadow studies are covered here.

A link to all of those slides is here.

As I have said this project is not slated to even begin for well over 2 years and if it even happens will be dependent on market conditions at the time.  But it is still interesting to see how it is all taking shape.

1 comment:

  1. If they're not going to put in a third apartment building, is the extra space going to be another green space for residents?
